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Everything starts with a pencil. From motorcycle/vehicle designs to murals, oil and/or acrylic pieces, metal engraving, tattoo design, mixed media, and commissioned pieces. Anything is possible!
UntitledWatercolor | Rainy day, guess it's time to paintAcrylic Paint on canvas | SleepCharcoal |
NightmaresColored Pencil | SmokerWatercolor and pen and ink | TattooWatercolor and pen and ink |
ArmatureWatercolor and pen and ink | TribePencil | FearMixed media |
HeavensMixed media | CreationPen and ink | Real MonstersCharcoal |
Bio DoodlePen and ink | ArtifactPencil | Figure StudyCharcoal |
Object StudyPastel | Object Study 2Charcoal |
DreamingOil on Canvas | Head and HeartOil on Canvas | SoundscapeOil on Canvas |
Head and Heart 2Oil on Canvas | Between Awake and SleepOil on canvas | PhantomOil on Canvas |
Head and Heart 3Oil on Canvas |
Motorcycle AirbrushCandy Airbrush and pinstripe | Tank EngravingMetal engraving | duc 620 concept right rawConcept art |
Stainless PendantJewlery | Stainless pendant 2Jewelry | Harley Tank ArtCustom paint and design |
DevilblissAutomotive custom paint | CthulhuCustom Bike Paint | Top tube paintPinstriping/Script |
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